
WBCSCi Support Group meeting, Montenegro

Based on the conclusions from the 5th IISG Board meeting, and in reference to agreed calendar stemming from the meeting held on 18 of February 2021 in Belgrade, in the period 17-18 of March 2021, the IISG Secretariat organised the Regional Pillar Support group meeting on WBCSCi in Podgorica to discuss the needs mapping template

IISG Secretariat meeting with SEESAC, Belgrade

The Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Secretariat held a meeting with the SEESAC team on 19 February in Belgrade, in the premises of the SEESAC in UN House in Belgrade. The aim of the meeting was to define the SEESAC role in developing the three needs mapping reports. The IISG Secretariat sought to exchange experiences