- 24/03/2021
- Posted by: admin-iisg
- Category: Activities, IISG event

The Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Secretariat organised regional Cross-cutting Support Group meeting on the 18th of February 2021 in Belgrade, Serbia, gathering the Coordinators from Western Balkan Six. The aim of the meeting was to agree on methodology of engaging the new IISG members in three pillars, WBCTi,WBCSCi,WBBSi and to agree on the approach how to conclude three templates and to discuss and agree on the detailed monthly plan until the next Board meeting, scheduled for July 2021.
The IISG Secretariat will organise and facilitate all the work of the Support Group, through Working Group pillars meetings as well as through the Cross-pillar meeting, as needed. The IISG Secretariat will produce the first draft on templates, based on contribution from the Support Group, upon which it will finalise the drafting of the needs mapping report.