The 6th Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Board Meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia I Herzegovina.

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The 6th Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Board Meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia I Herzegovina.
Monday, 20 June, 2022

The 6th Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) Board Meeting was organized in hybrid mode on the 20th of June 2022 in Sarajevo.
The Western Balkans partner’s participated at the Ministerial (Minister of Interior/Security) level and through their messages, they showed commitment to take the regional cooperation to another level through the IISG platform.
The meeting was opened by Mr. Maciej Popowski, Acting Director-General for Neighborhoods and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), European Commission chaired the Board meeting emphasizing that European Commission fully supports the ACTION of the IISG and considers the IISG as a unique mechanism in the region on security area.
Following Mr. Popowski, open remarks were made by Mr. Olivier Onidi, Deputy Director-General for Security, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), European Commission, and Ms. Tanja Miscevic, Deputy Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council.
The IISG Board members included representatives of the Western Balkans and the European Commission, Support Group Members including the support of Austria, Slovenia, and Italy, who are vital to the success of the IISG progress. However, there is a need for more partners to join actively in the IISG process.
The IISG Secretariat explained the state of play of the IISG through a presentation on the IISG products, needs mapping 2021 -2022 completed for the first time, for all three pillars WBCTi, WBCSCi and WBBSi.
The presentation of IISG outputs was endorsed and adopted by the IISG Board.
IISG needs mapping 2021-2022 for three pillars WBCTi, WBCSCi, WBBSi, updated methodology for the development of IISG biennial needs mapping report, methodology for the development of IISG annual response mapping report, methodology for mapping support to the IISG needs (IISG Database), IISG Secretariat annual work plan 2022, IISG new members, RAI, Bulgaria, OSCE Kosovo* and confirmation for an extension for the mandate of the Head of IISG Secretariat Mr. Agron Sojati were approved by the IISG Board.
During the meeting, it was agreed that the future engagement of the IISG platform requires more and direct coordination with donors and implementers for the pillar-related projects.