
A Strong Cities Western Balkans Regional Hub Workshop

On the 5th and 6th of September 2023 in Budva Montenegro, the IISG Secretariat participated in a workshop organised by the WB Regional Hub for Strong Cities Network which addressed terrorism and extremism issues. The IISG Head of Secretariat Mr. Agron Sojati moderated a panel on developing strategies for preventing violent extremism. Discussions with various

IISG HoS meeting with DG NEAR

On 12th September 2023, HoS met with NEAR in Brussels to discuss the draft IISG DoA for the next phase (2024-2026). IISG Secretariat had sent the draft earlier on, pointing out proposals from the external evaluation report as well as proposals for changes to better respond to new challenges on the IISG agenda. The DoA

Meeting of IISG Secretariat and DG NEAR in Skopje, North Macedonia

The IISG Secretariat held a meeting with DG NEAR on the 16th of October 2023 on Database Enhancement and Future Activities. The meeting was held to review the successful enhancement of the IISG Database and plan future collaboration between IISG and DG NEAR. Key outcomes were such as the IISG Database upgrade being successful, making

IISG Secretariat meeting on IISG Database with EU Delegations and EC

A meeting held on 17 October 2023 aimed to introduce the IISG Database to key stakeholders, including EU Delegations and the European Commission. DG NEAR initiated the meeting, emphasizing the need for project information and explained the entire process of analysis seeking to serve better coordination amongst the stakeholders. IISG Secretariat provided a comprehensive overview

14th Regional Network of National CT-P/CVE Coordinators (RNNC) of the Western Balkans

The 14th Regional Network of National CT-P/CVE Coordinators (RNNC) from the Western Balkans met in Skopje, North Macedonia on 17th and 18th October 2023. The meeting, organised by the EU Delegation in Sarajevo's Regional Counter-Terrorism and Security Expert in collaboration with the CSC WB project, gathered various stakeholders. These included national CT-P/CVE Coordinators, EU CT-P/CVE

The IISG Secretariat meeting with ARK.IT Company

The IISG Secretariat engaged in a two-day session with the ARK.IT Company in Tirana on the 1st and 2nd of November 2023. The primary objective was to finalise the work on the IISG Website and conduct a training session for the IISG team to upload content independently. Throughout these two days, the IISG Secretariat not

The 8th Regional (Jumbo) Security Coordination Conference, Italy

The IISG Secretariat participated in the eighth Regional Security Coordination Conference, held in Rome on 14-15 November 2023, focused on Security Cooperation in the Western Balkans - Securing the Future: Building Resilience through Collaboration. Co-organised by multiple entities, it brought together over 100 participants, including security practitioners from various jurisdictions and representatives of significant regional

Bilateral consultations in Moldova

IISG HoS, Mr. Agron Sojati, joined the RCC Delegation, led by the Secretary-General, Majlinda Bregu, for bilateral consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, led by Mr. Nicu Popescu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, in Chisinau on 21 November 2023. Mr. Agron Sojati used the opportunity to

7th IISG Board meeting

On 7th December 2023, the IISG Secretariat organised the 7th IISG Board meeting in Sarajevo in a hybrid form. The Board was presented by the European Commission (DG NEAR which chaired the meeting), Western Balkans Partners: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, and North Macedonia, and Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) as the host entity of

Joint Strategic Cooperation Forum for CEPOL projects TOPCOP and WB PaCT

On the 30 – 31 of January 2024, the Head of the Secretariat Mr. Agron Sojati attended a collaborative meeting between CEPOL and Europol at Europol premises in Hague, Netherlands, focused on addressing challenges posed by organised crime and terrorism. Key speakers emphasized the importance of strategic evaluation and a common approach to tackling emerging

IISG Secretariat engages in constructive meeting with Serbian Ministry of Interior

On 8th of February 2024, IISG Secretariat actively participated in a meeting with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior of Serbia Mr. Danilo Stevandić. Warm greetings were extended to the delegation of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) represented by the Political Director Mr. Amer Kapetanovic, and the IISG Secretariat represented by Mr. Agron

Meeting with European Union Delegation in Serbia

European Union Delegation to Serbia and IISG Secretariat held a meeting in Belgrade to enhance collaboration on regional security. Discussions included the role of the IISG Database, upcoming stakeholder coordination meetings, and plans for cybersecurity integration. Emphasis was placed on donor coordination and needs assessment prioritisation. Both parties reaffirmed their commitment to ongoing collaboration, highlighting