
Future development discussions on the IISG

On the 24th of February 2022 in Sarajevo, Bosnia I Herzegovina IISG Secretariat held an informal meeting with the Political Department of RCC, GIZ, and CEPOL to discuss the future development of the IISG. IISG Secretariat and RCC Political Department continuously reach out to potential members toward the IISG platform. The RCC serving as a

Working session with representatives from Bosnia i Herzegovina on IISG Database

On the 14th and 15th of March 2022, the IISG Secretariat organized a working session with designated persons of the Ministry of Security and other Law Enforcement Departments of Bosnia I Herzegovina, to populate the IISG Database with information in regard to ongoing projects and discuss the Methodology for mapping support to the IISG needs

IISG Secretariat participates at the UNODC OSCE BS Conference, Ohrid

A three-day Regional Conference on Improving Border Security, organized by the OSCE Mission to the United Nations and the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) was held in North Macedonia, from 15 to 17 March 2022. Directors and senior officials of the Customs and Border Authorities of the Western Balkans, as well as

IISG Support Group meeting, Albania

The IISG Secretariat organized the IISG regional Cross-cutting Support Group Meeting, on the 18th and 19th of March 2022 in Vlore. The meeting was organized in hybrid mode. The representatives from WB partners and international representatives from the Support Group, such as Austria, Slovenia, UK, Italy, GIZ (online) MARRI, UNODC, Frontex, DG NEAR (online), RCC

Working sessions on the IISG Database in Belgrade

The IISG Secretariat organized on the 24th and 25th of March 2022, in Serbia, two-day hybrid sessions with the representatives of the Ministry of Interior, to populate the IISG Database with information in regard to ongoing projects and help the participants to have a clear understanding of the Methodology for mapping support to the IISG

Working session on the IISG Database in Tirana

The IISG Secretariat organized a two-day working session in Albania on the 29th and 30th of March 2022 with the representatives of the Directorate of Projects, Strategies, and other Law Enforcement Departments, Ministry of Interior, Albania. This working session served to familiarize participants with the process of populating the IISG Database, with information in regard

IISG Secretariat meeting for the IISG Database, North Macedonia

The IISG Secretariat organized a two-day meeting in Skopje, on the 31st of March 2022 and the 1st of April 2022 with the designated persons appointed by the Ministry of Interior of North Macedonia regarding the IISG Database process. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the Methodology for mapping support to the IISG

IISG Secretariat meeting in Pristina for the IISG Database.

Following the meetings on the IISG Database, the IISG Secretariat went to Pristina, to meet with the Ministry of Interior’s representatives on the 5th and 6th of April 2022. The purpose was to discuss the methodology for mapping support to the IISG needs through the IISG Database (IISG-D), as well as to make data entry

Regional Network of National CT-PCVE Coordinators (RNNC) of the WB6 in Tirana, Albania

The Head of the IISG Secretariat, Mr. Agron Sojati, participated in the latest developments of the IISG Process in the regional meeting of the National Coordinators CT-PCVE of the Western Balkans, which was held in Tirana on the 20th of April 2022. During the meeting, the participants shared the experiences among the Western Balkans countries

CEPOL WB PaCT Regional Level OTNA Validation Workshop, Hungary

The Head of the IISG Secretariat, Mr. Agron Sojati, contributed to the latest developments of the IISG Process at the CEPOL WB PaCT Regional Level OTNA Validation Workshop, held in Budapest on the 5th and 6th of May 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure that OTNA conclusions at the regional level are

Regional Conference of Directors of Police Services, North Macedonia

The IISG Secretariat was invited to participate in the Regional Conference of Directors of Police Services on the topic “Fighting Organized Crime: Challenges and support”, held in Skopje on the 5th and 6th of May 2022, an event which was organized on behalf of the Bureau for Public Security within the Ministry of Interior of

Working Group of Government Experts on Technical Assistance Vienna, Austria

The Working Group of International Cooperation and the Working Group of Government Experts on Technical Assistance was held from the 23rd to the 27th of May 2022, with a joint thematic discussion on the application of the Organized Crime Convention for preventing and combating transnational organized crimes that affect the environment, in line with Conference