
IISG Secretariat participates at UNODC SEE event on Organized Crime Strategies

The IISG Secretariat was invited to take part in UNODC's first Regional Multi-stakeholder Event on Strategies to Prevent and Combat Organized Crime on the 14th and 15th of December 2021 in Skopje, North Macedonia. The high-level opening ceremony counted with remarks from Ljupco Nikolovski, Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia for the Fight against Corruption,

IISG national-level coordination meetings in Pristina, Kosovo*


As part of the overall IISG process, the IISG Secretariat held two-day consultations with partners in Pristina, on the 16th and 17th of December 2021. The IISG Secretariat was represented by the Head of the IISG Secretariat, Mr. Agron Sojati, and the senior expert/Deputy Head of the IISG Secretariat, Ms. Maja Pinjo Talevska. The national

IISG National-level coordination meetings in Belgrade, Serbia

In the period 21st – 22nd of December 2021, the IISG Secretariat organized the National-level thematic coordination meetings in Belgrade. The meetings gathered designated persons for the 3 Pillars from the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia. The IISG Secretariat was represented by the Head of IISG Secretariat, Mr. Agron Sojati, and the IISG Secretariat

IISG National-level coordination meetings in Tirana, Albania

On the 21st – 22nd of December 2021, the IISG Secretariat organized the National-level thematic coordination meetings in Tirana. The sessions were scheduled with designated persons from the Ministry of Interior of Albania to discuss the process of finalizing the Biennial Needs Mapping report for WBCTi, WBCSCi, and WBBSi, to be sent to Governing Board

IISG Secretariat meeting ARK IT, on IISG Database

On the 22nd of December 2021, in Tirana, Albania, the IISG Secretariat held a meeting with ARK IT. The aim of the meeting was to increase the capacities of Western Balkan partners in providing data to the IISG database. The IISG Secretariat was represented by senior expert/Deputy Head of IISG Secretariat, Ms. Maja Pinjo Talevska,

IISG National-level coordination meetings in Podgorica, Montenegro

The IISG Secretariat organized the National-level thematic coordination meetings in Podgorica on the 23rd and 24th of December 2021. The meetings gathered designated persons from the Ministry of the Interior of Montenegro in charge of the IISG agenda. The aim of the meeting was to finalize the needs mapping report for 3 Pillars, WBCTi, WBCSCi,

Consultations of the IISG Secretariat at the Ministry of Interior of Serbia in Belgrade

On the 27th and 28th of January 2022, the IISG Secretariat held a meeting in Belgrade, with the Ministry of Interior of Serbia in order to: finalize the drafts of methodologies on response mapping, IISG Database, and the methods of organization and decision-making of meetings of IISG Support Group. During the two-day mission in Belgrade,

IISG Secretariat meeting with French Representatives, Belgrade, Serbia

On the dates of the consultations with the Serbian authorities in Belgrade, the Secretariat had planned meetings with the IISG members, residing in Belgrade. On the 27th of January 2022, the IISG held a meeting on the premises of the French Embassy with Mr. Constantin Prevelakis, Counsellor/Regional Coordinator of the French; center of expertise on

Joint Cooperation Platform (JCP), visits the IISG Secretariat in Sarajevo

The IISG Secretariat on the 1st of February 2022 received the Head of Joint Coordination Platform, Mr. Berndt Korner, Ms. Sanja Selak-Ostojic (JCP), and Mr. Karlheinz Gortano, Liaison Officer – Attache of the Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo. This was the first meeting between the JCP and the IISG Secretariat, where the IISG concept and the

IISG Secretariat meeting with French Regional expert on Cyber Security

On the 11th of February 2022, the IISG Secretariat hosted Mr. Cedric Grousset, Advisor on the Cyber Balkans Project in Western Balkans from the French Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia. The meeting was held on request from the French expert, as a follow-up to the meeting, which took place at the French Embassy in January 2022,

IISG Secretariat host CEPOL WB PaCT

The meeting between the IISG Secretariat and the CEPOL took place on the 23rd of February 2022, at the premises of the IISG Secretariat at the request of CEPOL. The aim of the meeting was to brief respective organizations, on the current progress of both projects, where the IISG Secretariat is planning to exchange experiences

IISG Secretariat meeting with GIZ in Sarajevo, BiH

On the 24th of February 2022, GIZ representatives visited the premises of the IISG Secretariat in Sarajevo, BiH. The head of the regional project on countering serious crime in Western Balkan (IPA 2019), Mr. Oliver Janser, and the project adviser, Mr. Jurgen Hauser, discussed the current developments of the IISG and the need to align